Your life is full and busy. Still, something is amiss. Things don’t shape up the way you had expected. You struggle with relationship issues, are stuck in a career rut, or feel overwhelmed by the demands of your powerful executive job. In short: You’re hoping for something different. But what exactly is it, and how can you possibly achieve it?
If you ask yourself these questions, take heart. In reality, you carry the right answers inside yourself. What you need, is a trusted professional who can help you swiftly and effectively uncover them.
That’s where I come in.
A certified Adlerian-based Coach with a roster of international clients, I use proven techniques to help you concretize your personal vision and turn it into reality. In a short series of sessions, we will work together to identify your strengths and weaknesses and set your potential free. Fully empowered, you will act and effect the necessary change to achieve your goals, be they personal, professional, or social.
Based on the unshaking belief in an individual’s inner power, my work focuses on one topic only: You. It is all about enabling you to make the right choices becoming the master of your destiny, rather than the victim of circumstances. It is all about showing you how you can improve the quality of your life.
Please browse this site to learn more about the different types of services I offer, including life coaching, business coaching, and executive coaching and about the results you can expect. And contact me to explore how Adlerian-based coaching might be useful to you.
Powering Your Potential
Adler Certified Coaching
There are several approaches to coaching people in the workplace and in life. And many have proven successful. The Adler approach, however, stands out.
Rooted in the thinking of the famous physician, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology Alfred Adler, this coaching method is based on the unshakable belief that a human being is an indivisible whole endowed with creative powers to change for the better. According to this belief, values, such as equality, respect, confidence in oneself and in others, support, cooperation, and a focus on the positive, all help to improve satisfaction on a personal, social, and professional level.
According to Adler, people have complete freedom to choose and are therefore responsible for the way they conduct their lives and their relationships. As a result, they are able to change, fulfill their potential, and achieve their goals.
At times, however, they need help with this endeavor. That is where Adler’s focused, short-term interventions, including guidance, consultation, coaching, and therapy come into play.

A Short-Term, Hands-On Process
Coaching is a short-term, practical process that promotes positive change by concentrating on the individual and focusing on the present and the future rather than on the past.
Instead of overanalyzing what is holding people back, it teaches them how to move forward leveraging their personal strengths, values and goals.
To be sure Adlerian coaching conversations can be challenging, at times. But they are always effective in helping people recognize their talents, resources, wishes, and opportunities to successfully design or redesign their own lives.
Contact me to see if Adlerian-based Coaching is right for you.